For the People of Southern Madagascar “We’re seeing totally destitute people who have literally nothing to eat and are teetering on the edge of survival…an immediate and massive increase in food aid is urgently needed “ says Julie Reversé – Operations Co-Ordinator, MSF (Doctors Without Borders). Madagascar. Click the links below to read more and have an opportunity to help. FAMINE-APPEAL-MADR-2021-1.pdf FAMINE-APPEAL-MADR-2021-2.pdf
Caring for the Elderly in Madagascar
A look back at a previous project Many people in Madagascar have urgent needs, particularly the elderly. The Mission House seeks to express Christian love in the form of practical help to meet those needs. The photographs and testimonies below come from a recent project to distribute blankets and mattresses to the elderly in Antananarivo. Bako and Naly (staff) with…
Urgent Appeal for Madagascar
A reminder of a Call to Prayer and Action from 2015 Severe flooding has hit Madagascar, with average monthly rainfall falling in several days. Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced. Meanwhile the south of the island is battling with drought and famine. With your help, The Mission House can bring relief to some of these people… …