Ambondrona School

Ambondrona School is a school located in Ambohitrinindriana Village and founded by Faly Rafieferana to help meet the needs of the local people.

Ambondrona School


Ambondrona School is located in Ambohitrinindriana Village, about 20 kms from the capital Antananarivo. It was founded by Faly Rafieferana in 2002 to meet the needs of the local people. By 2012, ten years into the school's growth, Faly has acquired over 200 pupils. Now Faly is very much in demand as a speaker at conferences on the subject of education in Madagascar.


Faly founded the Ambondrona School with his own three children


Four years into the building of Ambondrona School Faly had acquired 96 pupils


Ten years since the start of Ambondrona School Faly now had over 200 pupils


Today Faly continues to grow the number of pupils at Ambondrona

Abbot's Hill School

School Projects

The Mission House have supported the school for many years, with recent projects including a new refectory building, water wells and washing facilities. These were funded mostly by the pupils from Abbot’s Hill Independent School for Girls in Hemel Hempstead, UK. The girls have undertaken an excellent fundraising effort, converting their academic Community Development knowledge into practical end results.

Ambondrona School Growth

Ambondrona School 2006

This video was taken in 2006 when Ambondrona school had 96 pupils. At that time, it was a single story building and there was still a great deal of work to be done on the classrooms.

Ambondrona School 2012

By 2012, Ambondrona school had over 200 pupils. The building had been extended with the addition of a second storey and all of the classrooms were functional.

Related Projects

School Classes

Beverly Stevens, a long-time supporter of The Mission House and Head of Geography at Abbot’s Hill Independent School for Girls in Hemel Hempstead, UK takes a guided tour of the classrooms at Ambondrona School and hands over an electronics learning kit donated by the girls from her school.

Refectory Building

A recent addition to the site is a new refectory building which serves multiple purposes as refectory and as an assembly hall whilst also overlooking the playing field as a grandstand. The roof tiles were made on site using the equipment provided as part of the micro-enterprise roof tile project.

Water Supply System

With over 200 pupils now attending Ambondrona School, a reliable water supply becomes critical. A recent project provided water wells and washing facilities for the school. The system takes excess water from a local spring overnight (when the villagers are not using it), and stores it in a series of tanks for student use during the day for washing and drinking.

Strawberry Harvest

The water supply system is so efficient that it provides a surplus supply of water that is being used for irrigation. As well as this, Faly has been able to grow a strawberry harvets. This is a truly amazing story of an entrepreneurial spirit taking all very limited resources and using them to make a massive difference to people's lives.

Ambohitrinindriana Village

House of Nations

The House of The Nations base was founded by Faly Rafieferana and his wife Clara. The base is located near Ambohitrinindriana Village, about 20 kms north-east of Antananarivo the capital of Madagascar. It is about an hour's drive from Antananarivo over deeply rutted mud roads. We have been privileged to see the base grow over the years and to contribute to the work that Faly and his team are undertaking. The first building to be completed was the church, followed closely by Ambondrona School.

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